Everyone belongs.

The story of 100 sheep is told twice in the ancient texts that Christians consider to be sacred scripture. Two different writers with two different audiences thought it was important enough to include in their teachings. (Luke, one of the writers, even thought it was important enough that he retells the same story 3 times using a different illustration each time: 100 sheep, 10 coins, and 2 sons.)

In the story of the sheep, there is a shepherd who has 100 sheep under their care and protection; and 1 of the sheep is lost. For whatever reason, the one sheep leaves the care of the shepherd and the community of the other sheep. It's possible the sheep simply lost its way, or felt disconnected, or maybe she was othered by the community. Perhaps that sheep was ashamed of their past, had a criminal history, had a marginalized identity, came to be part of this herd without proper documentation, had different beliefs than the other sheep, or was part of the LGBTQ+ sheep community. 

In the story of the sheep, the shepherd leaves the 99 sheep in order to find the 1 lost sheep and bring them home. 

In the story of the sheep, the shepherd represents the Great Love of the Universe. When 1 sheep is cut off or disconnected- God seeks out the 1. God says 99% inclusion here is not enough. God makes it clear that she's not sleeping until 100% of the sheep feel the love, care, and protection of the Universe. There's no doubt in my mind (or the mind of the writer Matthew) that God is unwilling to let any of her sheep be lost forever. 

And I wonder how the community responded when the shepherd brought that 1 sheep home... In Luke's story of the sons, the older son who hadn't been lost threw a fit when lost son returned home. The older son pointed out all the flaws and faults that he saw in the once lost brother. But, the father saw none of that. The father was celebrating because the once lost son realized that he belonged in community with the family.

But maybe a better question is why did the community let that 1 sheep or son get cut off in the first place? Did the community think they were superior to the 1? Did the community believe that the 1 did not belong? Did the community believe the 1 was broken or less than or sinful or undeserving? 

I don't want to be a part of community that believes any of those things. I want to build and participate in a community that recognizes 100% belong. 99% is not enough. 

I won't rest until 100% know and feel the love of God.

I won't rest until my community believes 100% belong to God and our community.

I won't rest until my community acknowledges, includes, and affirms 100%.

I won't rest until 100% belong. 99% is not enough.


I think God is actually Love.